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As low as Your price €236.00 € 285,56 Incl. VAT

Price on request
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Limited available

Note: your order will be delivered in parts, contact us for current delivery times.

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  • Since 1892 we offer SERVICE with capital letters
  • Need advice? We are at your service. Call us at +31756504750
  • We go for quality so we work according to its ISO 9001
  • Service provision: repair, modification, inspection, testing and certification

Product information

Eller Steel jacks are of outstanding quality;
Steel jacks with safety crank or ratchet crank;
With milled rack, geared wheels and tempered parts of driving gear;
In accordance to DIN 7355;
Suitable for lifting loads of any type;
With lifting body;
Lifting either with fixed toe or on clawed head.