Unfortunately, at the moment we are experiencing problems displaying products on our website. Are you looking for a product and can't find it? Contact us at info@lr.nl or +31756504750 and we will be happy to inform you!

We are here for you

Unfortunately, we no longer support Internet Explorer 11 (and lower versions). A very low percentage of our visitors still use this web browser.

We advise you to download a modern web browser. Modern web browsers are for those we do support:

Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Opera Browser
Apple Safari

We would like to see you back in one of the above browsers.

Louis Reyners was founded in 1892 and has been active in lifting equipment since 1950. With our 17 employees, we are happy to help you choose and buy the right products. We offer tailor-made solutions, give advice and only work with reputable brands.

On this page you will find all information about ordering from Louis Reyners. For example, about the ordering process, delivery or returning items. Can't find the information you need? If so, you can simply contact our customer service via the contact form, by telephone on +31 75 650 47 50 or by e-mail.