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For Louis Reyners CSR means: Finding the right balance between economic results and human welfare, while preserving the environment. This is expressed by:

1. People (the good of mankind)

Louis Reyners takes care of its employees. We do this for instance with an appropriate reward structure. There is also an annual training budget available that is used for (re)training our staff. They are also encouraged to come up with courses and training opportunities themselves.

2. Planet (preservation of the environment)

The preservation of the environment is in different ways visible in the operational management of Louis Reyners. During the construction of our new building, for instance, better insulation was selected at several places. The energy label of a machine or company vehicle has an influence on whether or not making a specific investment. Packing material is recycled as much as possible and we separate our waste. We also monitor the living and working conditions at our suppliers.

3. Profit (balance)

As a company it is Louis Reyners aim to make a profit, and part of this profit is given to charity. This is done through gifts, but also by purchasing (promotional) gifts, part of the returns of which are donated to charity. Louis Reyners supports charity organizations that are active in various fields, at home and abroad. Each year, for instance, we support the Nederlandse Hartstichting (Dutch Heart Foundation) through a donation. This is a contribution to the research of and fight against heart diseases. We have also supported the international relief organization Medair for years with donations. Medair offers practical help and care to people in need. They do this among others in such areas as health, water, sanitation, and shelter, with projects in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. And through a donation Louis Reyners contributes its mite. For the traditional Dutch St. Nicholas celebration and Christmas Louis Reyners selects socially responsible presents. The employees for instance get an annual St. Nicholas treat, the proceeds of which go entirely to the Stichting Welzijn Gehandicapten (Disabled Welfare Foundation). In 2007 a Christmas gift from the third world shop was chosen for the first time. Louis Reyners does not want to remain passive with regard to CSR, it was therefore decided to include an action item in our quality plan. This will ensure that CSR remains continuously under the attention, in order to continue growing towards the right balance.