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If you choose ELLER, you choose security. With ELLER's hoisting and lifting products, you are assured of the best quality and the highest safety standard. Whether a beam clamp, hand or ratchet hoist, push trolley or chain bag - ELLER always promises you optimum safety. ELLER products are competitively priced, quickly delivered and meet EN standards. Louis Reyners supplies ELLER products directly from stock, including spare parts, for absolutely the best price.

Eller takel magazijn

ELLER - Excellence in hoisting and lifting

In the development of products, the wishes and safety of the end user are central. ELLER products are tested by the end user from design to production. And yet ELLER strives to find the right ratio between the best material and the best price. So far, ELLER seems to be succeeding well. Meanwhile, ELLER products such as electric hoists, hand and ratchet hoists, jacks, wire rope connections, trolleys and, of course, beam clamps have become indispensable at construction sites, shipyards and even at less industrial locations such as garages or gyms.