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Lightweight sit harness for suspended rescue.

FALCON is a lightweight sit harness designed for rescue operations involving suspension. The metal ventral attachment point distributes the load between the waistbelt and leg loops. The design is lightweight and comfortable, joining the slim, semi-rigid waistbelt and leg loops with 3D foam padding. It provides optimal balance between low weight and comfort, as well as reduced bulk, when you’re standing, moving, or hanging. The DOUBLEBACK PLUS self-locking buckles on the waistbelt and the FAST LT buckles on the leg loops make it quick and easy to put on and adjust. The rear buckle allows a TOP or TOP CROLL L chest harness to be attached.

Designed for rescuers, these harnesses are lightweight for increased mobility and rapid movement during operations. Having the choice between several different models allows you to choose the best fit for different environments that may be encountered in the field.

  • Efficiently organize equipment and work tools
  • For efficiency when ascending a rope
  • For operations using climbing techniques
  • For working while suspended

The two-part ventral attachment point of the FALCON ASCENT harness increases the efficiency of rope ascents when using a CROLL ventral rope clamp.
The textile bridge construction of the FALCON MOUNTAIN harness favors progression with climbing techniques and makes it comfortable to walk in.
The metal ventral attachment point on the FALCON harness distributes the load between the waistbelt and the leg loops while suspended.

Equipment loops and slots
The range of FALCON harnesses feature equipment loops on the sides and at the rear of the waistbelt. Each harness also has slots designed for the CARITOOL tool holder and the TOOLBAG tool pouch.

Easy to adjust
The FALCON and FALCON ASCENT harnesses feature DOUBLEBACK PLUS self-locking buckles on the waistbelt and FAST LT buckles on the leg loops, making them quick and easy to put on and adjust.

Compact side attachment points
The textile side attachment points on harnesses in the FALCON range are designed for occasional use and limit bulk and weight.

Comfortable, lightweight design
The semi-rigid and slim waistbelt and leg loops with 3D foam padding provide the range of FALCON harnesses with an optimal comfort-to-weight ratio to limit bulk.